Today’s fortune cookie: “Cookies go stale. Fortunes are forever.”
Stuff about me.
Today’s fortune cookie: “Cookies go stale. Fortunes are forever.”
OSU-Mansfield is investigating referrence librarian Scott Savage for sexual harrassment. The reason? He suggesting the book “The Marketing of Evil” for the freshman reading list. His accusers call the book homophobic and claim they now feel “threatened” on the campus because he suggested the book.
This is a case of the thought police on the loose. They don’t like the way Mr. Savage thinks so they have falsely accused him of sexual harrassment.
I did a quick search and discovered the book is not even available through the university library.
But is available through OSU-M’s online bookstore.
So wouldn’t that indicate that the bookstore employees are more “threatening” than Mr. Savage?
Anyway, once again it is liberals who show they are the ones who stifle freedom of speach. There are none so intolerant as the “tolerant”.
The San Francisco board of governors has passed a resolution criticizing catholic beliefs. The board demands the former Archbishop of San Francisco who now serves at the Vatican to withraw the directive that “Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of San Francisco stop placing children in need of adoption with homosexual households.”
In addition the board claims that the church’s position is “an insult to all San Franciscans” apparently even those San Franciscans who support the church’s position.
The resolution concludes by saying, “Archbishop Neiderauer and the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of San Francisco to defy all discriminatory directives of Cardinal Levada.”
Clearly this is an unconstitutional attack on the catholic church. No government is allowed to use its power to prevent the free exercise of religion. The city government does not have the right to demand the catholic church to change its beliefs or practices.
The resolution is non-binding. Is there any doubt that if the city did have the ability to make the resolution binding that it would?
(hat tip: Roman Catholic Blog)
Vice President Chenney appeared on Fox News today to talk about his hunting accident over the weekend where he shot his friend with birdshot.
The White House press corps seems to livid over the fact that the story broke through a local newspaper in Corpus Christi, TX. Of course the Democrats are trying to jump on this.
The situation is becoming absurd. Hillary Clinton of all people said, ” “A tendency of this administration — from the top all the way to the bottom — is to withhold information …” She apparently said this with a straight face and no sense of irony. Yes, this is the same Hillary Clinton that found files in her White House closet a year after they subpeonaed. The same Hillary that was involved in the delaying the release of Vince Foster’s suicide note.
I’m amazed how she can say these things without any regard for her own history. She has gotten all the way to the White House and then into the Senate doing it though. I now know why I could never be in politics. I wouldn’t think people would be stupid enough to fall for it. Hillary clearly doesn’t have that issue. And it works for her.
Yahoo! has been accused of releasing information to the Chinese government which led to the a Chinese dissident being imprisoned for eight years.
Google is releasing a Chinese version of their site that will censor search results (in spite of their “don’t be evil” motto).
Today, Google produced a video commenting on Michelle Malkin. Michelle Malkin pointed out that Danish Imams had fabricated some offensive cartoons about the Muslim prophet Muhammed and blamed the cartoons on the Danish newspaper that previously printed a series of 12 cartoons. In the video, Google said it is not clear how much of Malkin’s theory is true.
What? Michelle Malkin provided links to news organizations to back up her statement. How does Google not know how to verify this information? Do the people at Google not know how to click on links? First, the three pictures did not run in the original Danish newspaper; they should be able to verify that through their own search engine. Second, there is absolutely no doubt that one of the fabricated pictures taken from a French newspaper story about a pig calling contest and had nothing to do with Islam or Muhammed until the Imams claimed it did.
I’m sick of both Yahoo! and Google at this point. (Yes, I know Google owns blogger who hosts this blog. I’m working on it.)
By the way, if you are concerned about Yahoo! helping to jail Chinese citizens, you can call their media relations at (408) 349-3300.
This was written when the blog was hosted by Blogger. Obviously I’ve since moved it.
Why is “protesting” now a synonym for jerk? Yesterday, anti-globalization protestors took the Olympic torch from an athlete running the torch in Italy.
In the past, protesting meant drawing people’s attention to your cause. Now it seems to mean demonstrating how much of an ass you are. Why do these people think that will change anyone’s mind. The only thing it proves is that anti-globalization is the position of selfish people. Who wants to join that movement?
I think there is a special place in hell for mass murders. I think that place has an adjoining room for the lawyers who defend their attrocities.
Anyone who has an iPod knows you need a case for it. The problem with the new iPod is that none of the cases from the previous generation iPods fit it because they moved the headphone jack from the center to the right side.
So Apple’s solution? A sock. Yep a sock which they call “stylish” and “fun”. Really, it is half a sock. They do come in packs of six though. You have your choice of various colors too!
So what do you pay for this innovation in iPod protection?
29 fricken bucks! Yep, that’s $29 for six half-socks. What a bargain. I think that breaks down to $2 for the six half-socks and $27 for the Apple logo sewed on to each one.
It is once again time to move your clocks back an hour. Why, because the government thinks we need to somehow save daylight. Except since it is fall, we apparently don’t need to save it anymore. Doesn’t really make any sense, does it?
When will we stop this foolishness and end daylight savings time?
Michelle Malkin points out how the New York Times misquotes dead soldiers. Cpl. Jeffrey B. Starr wrote a letter prior to his death in Iraq. Here is what the Times printed:
“I kind of predicted this,” Corporal Starr wrote of his own death. “A third time just seemed like I’m pushing my chances.”
Here is what he wrote:
“Obviously if you are reading this then I have died in Iraq. I kind of predicted this, that is why I’m writing this in November. A third time just seemed like I’m pushing my chances. I don’t regret going, everybody dies but few get to do it for something as important as freedom. It may seem confusing why we are in Iraq, it’s not to me. I’m here helping these people, so that they can live the way we live. Not have to worry about tyrants or vicious dictators. To do what they want with their lives. To me that is why I died. Others have died for my freedom, now this is my mark.”
When you see it in whole, it doesn’t sound as much as someone who regretted his duty.