Happy Thanksgiving. Here is a day in the life of Jason
8:15 am
Heard Bailey waking up. It’s about 23 degrees and cloudy, but the sunshine is bright in my house.

Put our Sunshine down for her nap. Honeybun is preparing the bird. Breakfast is in the oven.
10:00 Breakfast
Had my wife’s famous breakfast casserole (eggs, sausage, green chili, cheese), cinnamon rolls, and juice. Put the turkey in the oven.
Got the house cleaned up (I vacuumed!). Honeybun is taking a quick nap. Bailey is still sleeping. That means its time to catch some of the football game. Someone has to do it. The game isn’t going to watch itself.
My buddy’s car won’t start. Gotta go pick him up.
Setting the table.

We’re getting close. My father-in-law is cutting up the Turkey.

I think this shows my cleverness. Notice how I avoided this messy job by giving him “the honor” of carving the bird.
Dinner’s on! Let’s see what’s on the table.

Deviled eggs

The relish plate

Some like the olives

Celery and cheese (straight from the can)

Fruit salad

Classic green bean salad (originally served by the Pilgrims – no, really)

Sweet potato casserole

Mashed potatoes – real potatoes

Stuffing – yes, boxed


Cranberry sauce (yes, from the can)

Artisan bread
None of this would be complete without…

The Turkey!

And Cheerios for one. She did get to share in some turkey, potatoes, and sweet potatoes, but these are her favorite.
Time for the clean up. Not so clever in getting out of this one. Since Honeybun did the cooking, I figure its only fair to do my part.
Bed time for the little one. Its about an hour early, but with all the commotion she wouldn’t go down for an afternoon nap.
Time for desert.