Democrats: Don’t believe the vote

An Ohio judge threw out a challenge to the 2004 election. Jesse Jackson is mad that George Bush won. So instead of holding to the rules of a democracy – the person that wins the election gets the office – Jackson is trying to get the election overturned.

This is my favorite part of the story:

The complaint questioned how the actual results could show Bush winning when exit-poll interview findings on election night indicated that Kerry would win 52 percent of Ohio’s presidential vote.

Without listing specific evidence, the complaint alleges that 130,656 votes for Kerry and John Edwards (news – web sites) in 36 counties were somehow switched to count for the Bush-Cheney ticket.

Exit-polls are more reliable to Jackson than an actual vote count. In other words, Jackson doesn’t believe in democracy. He doesn’t want every vote to count, only the votes of those who said they voted for Kerry. Exit polls aren’t elections. They don’t accurately reflect vote counts. The only way to know who wins an election is to count the votes. When Ohio counted, Bush won.

Democrats said they wouldn’t accept the election results if Bush won. Why is anyone even listening to these people. The danger is not that Bush won the election. The danger is that some Democrats want to overturn the will of the people.

Any means necessary, right Jesse?

When will they realize?

I was driving yesterday and saw a bumper sticker trying to insult George Bush.

Somewhere in Texas, a village is missing an idiot…

Now George Bush has won four elections in a row – first beating a popular Democrat incumbent governor in Texas then getting re-elected before winning two Presidential elections. How many times does George W. Bush need to beat the Dems before they realize he isn’t stupid?

The Dems who are convinced that Bush is stupid actually give the President an advantage. As long as they underestimate him, they won’t be able to beat him. While they are scratching their heads about how an idiot can beat them, he keeps winning.

Who is the idiot?

The head scratching begins

Hollywood did everything it could to elect John Kerry. Rock musicians toured for Kerry. Dan Rather used fake documents against George Bush. The New York Times published a fake story to hurt George Bush. It turns out America didn’t care what the self-appointed elites thought.

In the early morning hours after the polls closed, it became obvious that George Bush won. Ohio had gone to George Bush by more than 130,000 votes. The only network that admitted it was Fox News – for that, I’m sure critics will claim a bias. In spite of the margin, ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN refused to admit that President Bush won until John Kerry conceded. Even now, ABC, CBS, and CNN have not included Ohio in their electoral vote tallies which even though they are headlining the story the Kerry has conceded on the same page. So tell me, which networks are biased?

The liberal agenda failed miserably. Every single one of the 11 state initiatives to protect marriage were passed. Even in Oregon where Kerry won the state and where they did elect a Democrat for the U.S. Senate, an decisive majority said no to gay marriage. Americans overwhelmingly said marriage is between a man and woman. This looks promising for the next session of Congress to get a federal constitutional amendment passed.

Third parties were found to be irrelevant. A final warning is happening in Washington State where the governor race is still undecided with the Republican candidate leading by about 1000 votes while a Losertarian candidate has taken 38,000 votes. The only thing the Losertarians can accomplish in that race is to help elect someone with the polar opposite politcal agenda.

Ralph Nader had no impact on any race. He was not the spoiler Democrats were worried about. This election showed that a third party vote is an irrelevant vote.

Some races show the voters were schizophrenic. In Colorado, about 32,000 people voted for President Bush then turned around and voted for a Democrat for Senate. Again, Oregon voted against gay marriage, but then voted for Kerry and a Democrat Senator (not the party of preserving marriage). In Ohio, Bush won, but 12% of the people who voted for the Republican senator voted for John Kerry. Finally, in South Dakota, about 9% of the people who re-elected President Bush voted for Tom Daschle who has obstructed the President at every opportunity. That wasn’t enough to keep Daschle from losing his seat though.

Even though some voters didn’t understand what a split vote means, the nation gave the GOP and President Bush a mandate. They want the President to lead the nation in the fight against terrorists. They do not want to change the definition of marriage. They are comfortable with the economy, where unemployement is still near historic lows.

The Democratic party became shrill and unhinged. Now after the election it is in shambles. Its political influence is at its lowest point in decades. DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe has led the party to defeat after defeat. In the past four years, it has moved farther left away from the beliefs of America. Yes, they took a significant part of the vote. What that proves is that the Democrat party can get just enough votes to lose an election.

Why am I doing this?

I told myself I wouldn’t watch the election results come in today. I would ignore TV and radio and just look at the results in the morning.

What am I doing? Sitting here watching the election results on the web and TV. Its like picking a scab. I can’t help myself. Honeybun is pretty much able to ignore it. She’s sitting on the couch playing Fable (the new Xbox game we just bought).

Blogging the election

Blogger and blogspot are already running slow on election morning.

CBS Marketwatch seems to think that is dangerous. In spite of the fact the the networks miscalled the election last year which surely effected the results by encouraging people to stay home instead of complete their vote, CBS Marketwatch thinks that bloggers are the real danger and they may leak exit polling data.

It seems to show they believe the blogosphere has influence. Of course there is no ignoring that influence since blogs broke the story about CBS using fake documents against President Bush.

Anyway, if you are a Bush supporter, go vote. If you are a Nader supporter go vote (a vote for Nader is a vote for Bush). If you are a Kerry supporter, remember it is a cold day today and you don’t want to get sick standing in line. 🙂

I voted today

Today Honeybun and I had to go get replacement absentee ballots. The ballots the county mailed to us on October 1 never got here (fraud anyone?). The issuance of the replacement ballots invalidates the ones mailed out earlier, so the old ones can’t be voted.

Before I went to vote, I saw this piece of advice from Bill Clinton:

“If one candidate is trying to scare you and the other is trying to get you to think, if one candidate is appealing to your fears and the other one is appealing to your hopes, you better vote for the one who wants you to think and hope.”

Although I don’t think I ever agreed with him in the past, I took his advice this time and voted for George W. Bush. Thanks for the help Bill.

Kerry – the new Perot

Kerry claimed in the last presidential debate that he met with all the members of the U.N. Security council before voting for the war in Iraq in October 2002.

Apparently Kerry confused the concepts of not meeting with any security council members and meeting with all of them.

The Washington Times:

But of the five ambassadors on the Security Council in 2002 who were reached directly for comment, four said they had never met Mr. Kerry. The four also said that no one who worked for their countries’ U.N. missions had met with Mr. Kerry either.

Wow. Is he delusional? Stories like this is why Ross Perot did not get elected and became a laughing stock.

Vote Bush.