Why the U.N. is a joke

In my younger school days, I thought of the United Nations in idealistic terms. I thought it was an organization whose purpose was to promote peace through democratic means.

Now, I think the United Nations is a fool’s dream.
Read Max Kampelman’s article and you will see the injustice promoted by the U.N. Libya as chair of the Human Rights Committee? That’s putting the fox in charge of the hen house. Yet anti-war types demand that we seek this organization’s permission before we use force.

Some say we should leave the U.N. I don’t go that far. We should stay and use our influence to change the U.N. Max Kampelman’s idea of creating a Democratic caucus is sound. That is if we can convince the weak-knee Europeans (the democracies that abstained from voting against putting Libya a chair on the Human Rights committee) to go along with us instead of cowing to small dictator states. (Pansies)