Using rights to complain about no rights

I was perusing some blogs today and came up on Losers Lounge. In her side bar, the writer laments the loss of her Constitutional rights:

IN MEMORY OF: The Bill Of Rights (1791-2001) Slain By The Patriot Act. Rest In Pieces

Of course she voices her complaint by blogging and therefore using her rights of free speech and freedom of the press. She also uses a tyrant’s title as her pen name, “Tsarina”.

I guess she doesn’t see the irony of her writing.

Tsarina doesn’t understand the true threat. Bin Laden wrote an open letter containing his seven demands of the American People. Note the first:

(1) The first thing that we are calling you to is Islam.

And the consequences:

“If you fail to respond to all these conditions, then prepare for fight with the Islamic Nation.”

The threat of freedom comes from Islamic fascists. Not from our government where the Bill of Rights is still the standard of liberty in the world.

  • Beth

    This kinda stuff always gets me, too. I love that you hit on her handle. They don't understand why it is that Bin Laden declared war on us and why it's entirely unreasonable to do anything but stand in opposition. And no one I've ever heard complaining about the Patriot Act has ever taken up arms to fight to win this war and get back to a point where these infringements on our freedoms are returned. Freedom is not free — It costs in lives as well as personal freedoms when all freedoms are under attack. Why can't people today take an example from The Greatest Generation? These people were coming out of the Great Depression when they had nothing. Their men were going off to war. Back home, they were dealing with the rationing out of supplies — Everything from silk to meat. Instead of complaining, these people grew Victory Gardens. Information coming out of the War Department was carefully screened and built into movie previews. Travel was restricted (not that most could afford to think of traveling). People of interest were being monitored. And, unfortunately (because they knew no better way) Japanese-Americans and others were put in camps. To talk to many of the people in those camps, yes, they were pissed, but when it came down to it, they understood that the government had no real way to assess threat. So they accepted the temporary conditions where freedoms were taken away to ensure that they would have those freedoms post-war. This is why they are The Greatest Generation and we're just a bunch of spoiled brats.

  • Beth

    This kinda stuff always gets me, too. I love that you hit on her handle. They don't understand why it is that Bin Laden declared war on us and why it's entirely unreasonable to do anything but stand in opposition. And no one I've ever heard complaining about the Patriot Act has ever taken up arms to fight to win this war and get back to a point where these infringements on our freedoms are returned. Freedom is not free — It costs in lives as well as personal freedoms when all freedoms are under attack. Why can't people today take an example from The Greatest Generation? These people were coming out of the Great Depression when they had nothing. Their men were going off to war. Back home, they were dealing with the rationing out of supplies — Everything from silk to meat. Instead of complaining, these people grew Victory Gardens. Information coming out of the War Department was carefully screened and built into movie previews. Travel was restricted (not that most could afford to think of traveling). People of interest were being monitored. And, unfortunately (because they knew no better way) Japanese-Americans and others were put in camps. To talk to many of the people in those camps, yes, they were pissed, but when it came down to it, they understood that the government had no real way to assess threat. So they accepted the temporary conditions where freedoms were taken away to ensure that they would have those freedoms post-war. This is why they are The Greatest Generation and we're just a bunch of spoiled brats.

  • This kinda stuff always gets me, too. I love that you hit on her handle. They don’t understand why it is that Bin Laden declared war on us and why it’s entirely unreasonable to do anything but stand in opposition. And no one I’ve ever heard complaining about the Patriot Act has ever taken up arms to fight to win this war and get back to a point where these infringements on our freedoms are returned.

    Freedom is not free — It costs in lives as well as personal freedoms when all freedoms are under attack. Why can’t people today take an example from The Greatest Generation? These people were coming out of the Great Depression when they had nothing. Their men were going off to war. Back home, they were dealing with the rationing out of supplies — Everything from silk to meat. Instead of complaining, these people grew Victory Gardens. Information coming out of the War Department was carefully screened and built into movie previews. Travel was restricted (not that most could afford to think of traveling). People of interest were being monitored. And, unfortunately (because they knew no better way) Japanese-Americans and others were put in camps. To talk to many of the people in those camps, yes, they were pissed, but when it came down to it, they understood that the government had no real way to assess threat. So they accepted the temporary conditions where freedoms were taken away to ensure that they would have those freedoms post-war.

    This is why they are The Greatest Generation and we’re just a bunch of spoiled brats.

  • This kinda stuff always gets me, too. I love that you hit on her handle. They don’t understand why it is that Bin Laden declared war on us and why it’s entirely unreasonable to do anything but stand in opposition. And no one I’ve ever heard complaining about the Patriot Act has ever taken up arms to fight to win this war and get back to a point where these infringements on our freedoms are returned.

    Freedom is not free — It costs in lives as well as personal freedoms when all freedoms are under attack. Why can’t people today take an example from The Greatest Generation? These people were coming out of the Great Depression when they had nothing. Their men were going off to war. Back home, they were dealing with the rationing out of supplies — Everything from silk to meat. Instead of complaining, these people grew Victory Gardens. Information coming out of the War Department was carefully screened and built into movie previews. Travel was restricted (not that most could afford to think of traveling). People of interest were being monitored. And, unfortunately (because they knew no better way) Japanese-Americans and others were put in camps. To talk to many of the people in those camps, yes, they were pissed, but when it came down to it, they understood that the government had no real way to assess threat. So they accepted the temporary conditions where freedoms were taken away to ensure that they would have those freedoms post-war.

    This is why they are The Greatest Generation and we’re just a bunch of spoiled brats.