Mary Cheney and the Religious Right?

John Kerry made a gratuitous mentioned of Mary Cheney’s life-style during the last presidential debate. Not only did he use her as a political tool, he decided to speak for her as well:

We’re all God’s children, Bob. And I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney’s daughter, who is a lesbian, she would tell you that she’s being who she was, she’s being who she was born as.

John Kerry doesn’t address exactly how he knows what she would say. He assumes that all gay and lesbian people claim they are born that way. Without speaking to Mary Cheney on the issue, he is an authority on the reasons for her sexual orientation.

So where is NOW? Shouldn’t they be offended that a candidate for the highest office in the land decides to speak for a woman without first consulting with her on her own opinion?

How about PFLAG or other activist organizations for homosexuals? Do they want straight people telling homosexuals what they think? If you listen for their protests, you’ll only hear crickets.

Instead of try to calm the controversy, they fan the flames. Kerry campaign manager Mary Beth Cahill calls Mary Cheney “fair game.” That is, the Democrats will use her personal life to their advantage. Elizabeth Edwards made the gaffe of judging Dick and Lynne Cheney’s relationship with their daughter by claiming the felt a “certain degree of shame” about her. Her reasoning seems to be they’re Republicans. They obviously don’t love their gay daughter.

What a gift from the Democrats. Voters know that parents – Republican or Democrat – love their children. To use a political opponents’ children against them is beyond the rules of decency. There will be a price to pay for doing it.

  • Jack the blogger

    Jason First off I thought the question "Do you think it is a choice?" was stupid. These two guys are not sociologists or psychologists so the best they could do is give a layman's answer. Bush came off better when he said "I don't know", of course he would have come off better in the debate if he had used that answer more often. Kerry's bigger mistake than answering the question was using the "L" word. It has more of a negative impact than the term "gay". Why didn't he just call her a dyke?

  • Jack the blogger

    Jason First off I thought the question "Do you think it is a choice?" was stupid. These two guys are not sociologists or psychologists so the best they could do is give a layman's answer. Bush came off better when he said "I don't know", of course he would have come off better in the debate if he had used that answer more often. Kerry's bigger mistake than answering the question was using the "L" word. It has more of a negative impact than the term "gay". Why didn't he just call her a dyke?

  • Beth

    And didn't you think Kerry came off as tremendously uncomfortable using the "L" word? "You can't call them dykes; you can't even call them lesbians. They're women in comfortable shoes, thank you very much."

  • Beth

    And didn't you think Kerry came off as tremendously uncomfortable using the "L" word? "You can't call them dykes; you can't even call them lesbians. They're women in comfortable shoes, thank you very much."

  • Jason
    First off I thought the question “Do you think it is a choice?” was stupid. These two guys are not sociologists or psychologists so the best they could do is give a layman’s answer. Bush came off better when he said “I don’t know”, of course he would have come off better in the debate if he had used that answer more often. Kerry’s bigger mistake than answering the question was using the “L” word. It has more of a negative impact than the term “gay”. Why didn’t he just call her a dyke?

  • Jason
    First off I thought the question “Do you think it is a choice?” was stupid. These two guys are not sociologists or psychologists so the best they could do is give a layman’s answer. Bush came off better when he said “I don’t know”, of course he would have come off better in the debate if he had used that answer more often. Kerry’s bigger mistake than answering the question was using the “L” word. It has more of a negative impact than the term “gay”. Why didn’t he just call her a dyke?

  • And didn’t you think Kerry came off as tremendously uncomfortable using the “L” word?

    “You can’t call them dykes; you can’t even call them lesbians. They’re women in comfortable shoes, thank you very much.”

  • And didn’t you think Kerry came off as tremendously uncomfortable using the “L” word?

    “You can’t call them dykes; you can’t even call them lesbians. They’re women in comfortable shoes, thank you very much.”