Category: Family life
Oh Christmas tree…
We have officially decorated for Christmas. The Christmas tree is up and all the decorations are on. Honeybun did most of it. Well, she did all of it. She moved the few decorations I put on. She did such a great job, she was tearful when she finished. It looks great.
She also decorated the tree with some cinnamon scented pine cones. Now when I say scented, I mean you can almost see the cinnamon in the air. These are the most powerful smelling things ever. The entire upstairs smells like a cinnamon factory. I think our neighbors can smell it. Don’t get me wrong, it smells good, but I’ve never had any scented things this strong. Honeybun said she bought them because she first smelled them two aisles away at the grocery store.
Although she decorated the tree, I did contribute. Last night I designed and printed up our Christmas cards and our annual Christmas letter. Its starting to feel like Christmas.
I know I haven’t posted anything in the last few days. I have an excuse this time – the flu since Thanksgiving evening. Yuck. I think I’m over the worst of it now though.
I’m watching the Denver Broncos and Oakland Raiders play in the snow here in the Denver area.
Tomorrow is Honeybun and my seventh anniversary. I don’t even feel itchy.
Happy anniversary Bun.
Thank you Honeybun, for being my wife. I can’t imagine life without you.
Thanks Mom & Dad for raising me right, for teaching me values and teaching me about the consequences (and rewards) of my actions.
Thanks Steve, for being my little brother, for playing games with me, for being my friend.
Thanks Sally, Dave, and Kay, for being great in-laws. You welcomed me into the family years ago and always made me feel important to you.
Thank you God for meeting our needs, for giving me a paying job, a place to live, and food to eat on this Thanksgiving day. Most of all, thank you for giving me the people I’m thankful for.
Fortune cookie revisited
Honeybun and I ordered Chinese food tonight. She got the same fortune again as she did twice in July. Doesn’t this sound ominous?
I ask again, what kind of sick bastard puts this in a fortune cookie?
The baptism
Aww, how cute?
Here is a question for the ages. Why is a baby with cereal all over his face normally disgusting. Then when you are the one doing the feeding, it’s cute? I’ve never thought a baby with a dirty face was appealling in anyway. Then, last Friday, I was babysitting Cody and feeding him. Suddenly I think, “I’ve got to get a picture of this.” What the…?
The good thing about this weekend: Years from now, when Cody becomes a smartass teenager (redundant phrase) I can now tell him, “I’ve changed your diapers.” 🙂
Honeybun and I are now officially godparents. It’s somewhat anti-climactic. Cody didn’t get that wet after all, just a little dribble on his head that didn’t even run over his face. He didn’t cry. Not even a whimper either. He is a very good natured baby. He pretty much just looked around wondering what all the hubbub was about. Not much else happened. The whole thing was shorter than a Vegas wedding.
You’d think the church would have a gift-shop that sells “My nephew got baptized and all I got was this lousy t-shirt” t-shirts.
We did get a gift – a plaque that says “Godparents” with a greeting on it. Which is cool. We also got a card from Cody thanking us for being his godparents – but I suspect it was forged. I’m sure he doesn’t know how to write yet. Which leads me to question, what did Dan Rather know and when did he know about the forged greeting card from Cody.
So Jase (you ask), when are you two going to have a kid? Well, Honeybun and I are talking about it. We’re planning to pull the goalie off the ice after the holidays are over.
Low fat blogging
I can’t say that I’ve done on “light” blogging the last few days since my blogging is normally light anyway. So, my posts being even less than usual, my adoring fans are down to low fat blogging at this point.
Why? Well, I’m in Las Cruces, NM visiting my in-laws. My nephew (see archive for February 17th) is getting baptized today. Honeybun and I are godparents. Cool huh?
Sorry, no witty rejoinders, this is a solemn family occasion (I’ll even be wearing a suit and tie) Followed by dinner somewhere.
Get ready to get wet Cody.
Busy week
Honeybun had knee surgery on Wednesday. She is doing well and already hopping around in her knee brace.
That night I had my first grad school class. The instructor has a mohawk. Really.
CU Denver is a strange place.