I was perusing some blogs today and came up on Losers Lounge. In her side bar, the writer laments the loss of her Constitutional rights:
IN MEMORY OF: The Bill Of Rights (1791-2001) Slain By The Patriot Act. Rest In Pieces
Of course she voices her complaint by blogging and therefore using her rights of free speech and freedom of the press. She also uses a tyrant’s title as her pen name, “Tsarina”.
I guess she doesn’t see the irony of her writing.
Tsarina doesn’t understand the true threat. Bin Laden wrote an open letter containing his seven demands of the American People. Note the first:
(1) The first thing that we are calling you to is Islam.
And the consequences:
“If you fail to respond to all these conditions, then prepare for fight with the Islamic Nation.”
The threat of freedom comes from Islamic fascists. Not from our government where the Bill of Rights is still the standard of liberty in the world.