If the truth isn’t on your side….lie

What is it with liberals and fraud? First there was Rathergate where a known Bush hater supplied CBS news with memos he claimed were from a former commanding officer of George W. Bush. My favorite justification of that fiasco was that the memos were “fake but true”.

Last week, ABC News reported that a memo circulated by Repulicans was trying to exploit the Terri Schiavo case for political gain. Powerline again blows up another liberal lie by demonstrating that memo is also clearly a fraud. It wasn’t written by Senate Republicans.

Since those frauds were so successful, the liberal group People for the American Way apparently thought they would follow those examples. They don’t want U.S. Senate Republicans to be able to confirm President Bush’s appellate court judge nominees. For four years Senate Democrats have been using filibusters to prevent the nominees from coming to a vote. This means that effectively there must be 60 votes to confirm a judge instead of the simple majority (51) required by the constitution. Senate Republicans want to prevent the filibusters by changing procedural rules.

In response, the PFWA group has produced an advertisement to convince the public that what the Republicans want to do is wrong and dangerous for our country. The spokesman in the ad claims:

I’m a Republican. A common sense Republican. I like that my party controls the White House and the Congress. But I also know that our democracy works best when both parties are speaking out and being heard.

Here’s where it gets funny. Radio Blogger did a little research into finding out who this “common sense” Republican is. It turns out he doesn’t hold any elected public office. He isn’t a prominent businessman either.

His name is Ted Nonini and he is the treasurer of the United Firefighters of Los Angeles City. Yep, he is an officer in a union. That is, he is an officer in a union that endorsed John Kerry in last year’s election.

Do you really think an officer of an organization that supported John Kerry is really glad that Republicans hold the presidency and majorities in congress? Please.

  • Anonymous

    Jason As long as the MSM is full of antiAmerican bigots these lies will be covered up by the MSM. That is why Talk Radio has grown so fast in the last 28 years. Now with Rathergate it is the blogs that are taking market away from the MSM. People who want to get facts are- and have been for 28 years – leaving the MSM. Rod Stanton

  • Anonymous

    Jason As long as the MSM is full of antiAmerican bigots these lies will be covered up by the MSM. That is why Talk Radio has grown so fast in the last 28 years. Now with Rathergate it is the blogs that are taking market away from the MSM. People who want to get facts are- and have been for 28 years – leaving the MSM. Rod Stanton

  • Anonymous

    As long as the MSM is full of antiAmerican bigots these lies will be covered up by the MSM.
    That is why Talk Radio has grown so fast in the last 28 years. Now with Rathergate it is the blogs that are taking market away from the MSM. People who want to get facts are- and have been for 28 years – leaving the MSM.
    Rod Stanton

  • Anonymous

    As long as the MSM is full of antiAmerican bigots these lies will be covered up by the MSM.
    That is why Talk Radio has grown so fast in the last 28 years. Now with Rathergate it is the blogs that are taking market away from the MSM. People who want to get facts are- and have been for 28 years – leaving the MSM.
    Rod Stanton

  • Anonymous

    The MSM hates America so much that they lie to defame America. They have been doing this for 50 years. Ian Campbell

  • Anonymous

    The MSM hates America so much that they lie to defame America. They have been doing this for 50 years. Ian Campbell

  • Anonymous

    The MSM hates America so much that they lie to defame America. They have been doing this for 50 years.
    Ian Campbell

  • Anonymous

    The MSM hates America so much that they lie to defame America. They have been doing this for 50 years.
    Ian Campbell