Easter Sunday

Yesterday Honeybun broke her arm when she was playing tennis. Ouch.

It hurts too much to go out so our Easter dinner was takeout from Outback Steakhouse. Her sirloin was tasty, but the ribs I had were the best.

Honeybun isn’t doing much besides laying down and popping Vicodin like they are Tic Tacs. I did get to go to mass today when she was in a drugged stupor. Now I’m just helping her around the house and messing around with my blog theme (as you may have noticed).

At least she can eat chocolate again since lent is over. There’s always a silver lining, right?

  • Keith

    sorry to hear you broke your arm Christy.

  • Keith

    sorry to hear you broke your arm Christy.

  • Keith

    sorry to hear you broke your arm Christy.

  • Keith

    sorry to hear you broke your arm Christy.