SF governors condemn catholic church

The San Francisco board of governors has passed a resolution criticizing catholic beliefs. The board demands the former Archbishop of San Francisco who now serves at the Vatican to withraw the directive that “Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of San Francisco stop placing children in need of adoption with homosexual households.”

In addition the board claims that the church’s position is “an insult to all San Franciscans” apparently even those San Franciscans who support the church’s position.

The resolution concludes by saying, “Archbishop Neiderauer and the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of San Francisco to defy all discriminatory directives of Cardinal Levada.”

Clearly this is an unconstitutional attack on the catholic church. No government is allowed to use its power to prevent the free exercise of religion. The city government does not have the right to demand the catholic church to change its beliefs or practices.

The resolution is non-binding. Is there any doubt that if the city did have the ability to make the resolution binding that it would?

(hat tip: Roman Catholic Blog)

Why conservative politics will win

Roman Catholic Blog asks what type of mentality leads to Germany having the lowest birthrate in Europe.

USA Today provides the answer: liberal (“progessive”) politics. Liberals are not having babies. Without babies, their ideas will eventually die out – or at least become less popular. This is why conservative ideas have a bright future in the states. Europe doesn’t seem to have that option and instead may turn into a collection of Islamic nations.

The warning signs for suicidal ideology (meaning your ideas are not sustainable because there is no future generations to continue them)? Not going to church regularly, protesting against the military or military use, being accepting of drugs, homosexuality, and euthenasia, and cohabitating instead of marrying are all signs that you may not have children.


Democrats in the Twilight Zone

Vice President Chenney appeared on Fox News today to talk about his hunting accident over the weekend where he shot his friend with birdshot.

The White House press corps seems to livid over the fact that the story broke through a local newspaper in Corpus Christi, TX. Of course the Democrats are trying to jump on this.

The situation is becoming absurd. Hillary Clinton of all people said, ” “A tendency of this administration — from the top all the way to the bottom — is to withhold information …” She apparently said this with a straight face and no sense of irony. Yes, this is the same Hillary Clinton that found files  in her White House closet a year after they subpeonaed. The same Hillary that was involved in the delaying the release of Vince Foster’s suicide note.

I’m amazed how she can say these things without any regard for her own history. She has gotten all the way to the White House and then into the Senate doing it though. I now know why I could never be in politics. I wouldn’t think people would be stupid enough to fall for it. Hillary clearly doesn’t have that issue. And it works for her.

Liberals are anti-democracy.

Despite liberal claims that republicans and President Bush are fascists, it turns out that liberals are anti-democracy.

The biggest example is the abortion issues. Liberals frequently refer to polls they claim show that Americans want abortion to remain legal. Yet they are afraid to let people vote on it. Liberals rely on the Supreme Court to keep abortion legal.

Liberals are also against freedom of speech. That is, they are against freedom of speech for people with whom they disagree. University of North Carolina at Greensboro recently tried to punish a libertarian campus group for ,ironically, protesting the university’s restrictions on free speech. The university dropped all charges only after wide attention was drawn to their unconstitutional actions. TheFire.org documents case after case of colleges trying to silence conservative students. The motto of too many universities is “free speech for me but not for thee.”

Need another example? Check out Zombietime’s photo essay about the Walk For Life demonstration in San Francisco on January 21. He documents an organized effort of leftist groups that were trying to disrupt the march to silence the conservative march.

Now there were a few extreme right protestors – both sides have their wackos. But they extreme rightists weren’t the ones trying to keep a liberals from stating their message. It was liberals who were trying to prevent conservatives from exercising their right to demonstrate. My favorite photo is the one where the police officer is explaining to an anacharist why exactly Christians are allowed to display their messages. Clearly he doesn’t understand the freedom of speech protects the expression of other view points.

Rough week for the President.

Harriet Miers withdrew her Supreme Court nomination yesterday. Acting according to plan, Democrats immediately mischaracterize it as the “extreme right-wing” (read religious right) controlling the party. Of course it was the so-called extreme right like James Dobson that were actually supporting her.

Now New York Senator Chuck Schumer says he hopes President Bush consults with the President this time. He conveniently forgot that Harry Reid, the Democrat minority leader, suggested Miers’ name prior to her nomination. How much more consulting can the president do?

Then today the vice president’s chief of staff is indicted for obstruction of justice and perjury. Ho hum. There is noticably no charge of revealing the identity of CIA employee Valerie Plame, the whole point of the grand jury investigation. It looks like Libby probably did lie to the grand jury. Unfortunate since if he did lie, he lied about something that wasn’t a crime.

Miers – a great pick

Powerline is still convinced that Harriet Miers is a bad nomination for the U.S. Supreme Court. The say

The two most relevant issues now are (1) is she qualified and (2) is she conservative (and if so, in what sense). We don’t know the answer to either question, which confirms how bad Bush’s decision was.

While I agree that we don’t know the answer to those questions I disagree that it somehow proves that her nomination was a bad decision. President Bush believes he knows the answers to these questions.

What we do know is that President Bush knows Harriet Miers. We also know that she already has the votes to get confirmed – the Democratic leadership can’t reject her after asking for her nomination. We know that she has worked to further George Bush’s conservative agenda.

Why are conservative bloggers so convinced that Miers has worked for George W. Bush for years in a conservative administration all the while successfully hiding her liberal agenda only so she can reveal her liberal policies as a Supreme Court Justice? Evil genius, that’s what she is! Please.

Chill conservatives. You have been aching for President Bush to get in a show down with the democrats for years. That is not the purpose of a supreme court nomination. The purpose of the nomination is to get someone on the court who will justly interpret the constitution. Conservatives are forgetting the means (i.e. the showdown they want) is not the end (getting a conservative justice on the court).

President Bush has already successfully placed a Chief Justice of his choosing. Now he has another nominee that democrats are obligated to approve. Chill. President Bush knows what he is doing. Everything is going according to plan.

Justice Miers?

President Bush nominated Harriet Miers today to replace Sandra Day O’Connor on the Supreme Court. The conservative blogosphere is worried that Miers isn’t a conservative choice. Powerline calls the pick “a disappointment”. Instapundit is “underwhelmed”. Michelle Malkin shares his sentiment. Apparently senate minority leader Harry Reid even suggested Miers name for nomination.

I’m with Hugh Hewitt. George Bush has a history of not revealing his strategy. He has five years at beating the Democrats at every turn. Some may say that is all Karl Rove. The fact is President Bush has not over extended his hand politically. When he has been attacked he doesn’t not immediatly respond. He has patiently waited and let his critics destroy themselves.

We don’t know Miers (which is why some conservatives are expressing disappointment) but President Bush does. The president already has the support of Democratic leadership guaranteed. Reid can’t suggest her then back out once Bush acts on his advice. Schumer has already gone on record as saying he is happy with the pick.

I think President Bush knows what he is doing.

Weeds of communism

For most of the summer I fight dandelions in my front yard. I spray the yard with weed killer and have green grass (well, kinda green) for a few weeks. Then one day I’m in front of the house and see another dandelion. Thankfully, there are no mainstream media reports around my house. If there were, they would be standing in front of each weed saying, “Look at all this green grass. Look at this close up. Nope, no weeds around here.”

That’s pretty much what they do with communists. Just like the San Francisco Chronicle did. Zombietime.com shows how they do it. First, start with a young protestor in San Franciso. Run photo of said idealistic youth protesting against the United States. Be sure to hide the fact that communists organized the rally. Nope no communists here.

Surely the fact that the protests are being organized by communists is significant. These are not people who love their country as much as the Chronicle may wish you to believe it.

When Cindy Sheehan protests, remember she is supported by ANSWER. Chrstopher Hitchens points out their pro-communist/anti-U.S. views.

No, the war protestors are not patriots. They don’t love their country as they are sometimes likely to claim. They want the U.S. to lose.